Day 1136: Do you feel guilty for what other people do or don’t do?

I do not control the actions of others therefore I should not feel guilty for what they do or don’t do–that’s what I keep learning.


It’s 12 : 52 PM on day 1136 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth,  feed myself  Bran Flakes  and boiled egg for breakfast,  read 1 Kings 15,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings and spend time outside.


Yesterday something happened yet again which made me realize I do not control the actions of others therefore I should not feel guilty for what they do or don’t do I tend to feel guilty when my mom doesn’t get to go to some places because someone has to stay with me I tell her to go but she says it’s fine sometimes I feel like I’m sucking all the attention away from all my family members it’s really tough because I can’t blame God, my parents can’t blame me, my siblings can’t blame my parents…all of us are blameless in this situation. Do you feel guilty for what other people do or don’t do?

2 thoughts on “Day 1136: Do you feel guilty for what other people do or don’t do?

  1. Juliet Parrott-Merrell

    Sure have! I’ve been in several situations where circumstances or plans had to be completely changed around just to accommodate my power wheelchair. I used to feel like I was such an imposition because of that, but now I’m practicing saying “oh well! I can’t help it if the world or people’s thoughts weren’t designed for me or the power wheelchair I need to use to get around.”

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