Day 1108: Africa needs a hand up not a hand out

Africa needs a hand up not a hand out – that’s what I wish the world would understand.


It’s 12 : 17 PM on day 1108 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself  All Bran Flakes for breakfast, pray, read 2 Samuel 11,    publish my Disability of the Day feature and  tweet and Facebook about my campaign – nobody donated so  far today either.


On Monday evening I was watching The Amazing Race one of the contestants who was coming to Africa said something like let’s go adopt some African babies I took great offense to that African children don’t need to be adopted out of the continent all they need is love, food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare and an education in short all an African child needs is a chance to survive and thrive.    Do you give Africa a hand out instead of a hand up?