Day 1087: How the media portrays differently-abled people and why it matters?

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” ― Jim Morrison


It’s 12  : 00 PM on day 1087 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,  brush my teeth, read 1 Samuel 21,  feed myself  boiled egg and Bran Flakes for breakfast,    publish my Disability of the Day feature,  tweet and Facebook about my campaign -nobody donated so far today –  and practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles.


This morning I was thinking about how the media portrays differently-abled people I know differently-abled people who are lawyers, authors and comedians and yet the media only chooses to show the world differently-abled people who are completely dependent on others and as a result people see us as incompetent I wish the media would be a little more balanced in the way they portray differently- abled people yes I do need a lot of help but I’m also capable of helping. Do you see only what the media shows you?

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