Day 1022: DJ Fresh & Mindtunes: A track created only by the mind

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ― Napoleon Hill

It’s 2  : 04  PM on day 1022 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to stretch my hamstrings,  brush my teeth, feed myself  All Ban Flakes for breakfast,  read Joshua 5, publish my Disability of the Day feature  and tweet and Facebook about my campaign – still no luck I have half a mind to donate the $483 I need to reach my goal myself but then I would be almost broke I pride myself on being generous and compassionate but I also pride myself on being responsible with the resources that God has given me so I guess I’ll just keep asking for donations who knows maybe it’s better this way because this way I will be giving people the opportunity to feel how I feel when I give with my whole heart – it gives you such a natural high and fills your soul there’s nothing quite like it 🙂

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled on to DJ Fresh & Mindtunes: A track created only by the mind – a documentary about three music fans who happen to be in wheelchairs literally making music with their minds – I didn’t have time to watch the full documentary at the time but last night I went back and watched it and I’m telling you it is the most amazing thing I’ve seen in a while. Watch DJ Fresh & Mindtunes: A track created only by the mind below:

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