Day 1002: Lessons I’ve learned from the best man I’ve never met

Sometimes people you’ve never met can teach you the greatest lessons  – that’s what I keep learning  🙂

It’s 2  :  57 PM on day 1002 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,  brush my teeth, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles,  read Deuteronomy 19, publish my Disability of the Day feature,   tweet and Facebook about my campaign –  no luck –  feed myself an egg sandwich for breakfast and practice typing with both hands.

This morning thinking of Nelson Mandela this quote came to mind freedom is what you do with what has been done to you imagine being put in prison for twenty-seven years for doing nothing wrong and then forgiving the people who imprisoned you I couldn’t have done it Nelson Mandela has taught me more about perseverance and forgiveness than anybody else on the planet.  Have people you’ve never met taught you some of life’s greatest lessons?

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