Day 601

Sometimes you’ve got to fight fire with fire – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 4 : 32 PM on day 601 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  feed myself bread and baked beans  for breakfast, drink  Green Tea by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature,  read a few posts on  Love That Max,  feed myself Spaghetti Bolognaise for lunch – made a huge  mess probably should’ve used the knife with the fork and not the fork by itself oh well – drink pineapple juice by myself and work on my book The Accidental Philanthropist.

Today reading Parents of Kids With Special Needs: A Bill of Rights on Love That Max  got me thinking about the fact that people who have special needs have rights too I was raised to be polite especially to people who are older than me so even when people treated me like part of the furniture I would let them but no more the next time somebody talks about me and not to me while I’m sitting right there I’m going to say something my politeness prevented me from saying all my life hey I’m right here please don’t talk about me talk to me.   Do you fight fire with fire when necessary?

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