End bullying for Brian

Born: 6/27/88 Went Home: 8/10/10

I first met Lisa – a.k.a    @AbuseBites on Twitter – when my friend Chris – a.k.a  @safeworld4women on Twitter – retweeted Lisa’s heart-warming tweet – after I read Lisa’s story and understood that I would never be able to understand the depth of her pain I knew that I had to do everything in my power to help Lisa complete her son – Brain’s  last mission – to end bullying forever – and it occurred to me that one of the ways I could do that was to share her story with the world so here it is : )    

Let’s help Lisa finish what Brian started!

Lisa’s son, Brian, was born with Asperger’s Syndrome and a rare congenital heart defect. He was bullied and abused all through life. Yet he forgave the bullies, lived his life to the fullest, and was passionate about helping others so they wouldn’t have to suffer the pain he did.

After Brian passed, they found a jar of “change” he’d been saving and that’s where they came up with the idea to help others who are being bullied and abused by having a “CHANGE of HEART” for BRIAN and donating “change” to stop bullying.

“Our family’s goal is to buy an RV to travel all over the USA to stop abuse, bullying, violence. So we’re hoping to raise enough money to go forth on this mission in Brian’s honour.” -Lisa

If you would like to help Lisa turn her tragedy into a catalyst for change then log on to the website below, click on the ‘Donate’ button and make a contribution.


6 thoughts on “End bullying for Brian

  1. Emma

    This truly is a heartbreaking story. I am moved by Brians courage & bravery!! I think the “Change of Heart” idea is one of the most beautiful things I’v ever heard of! I admire Brians mum Lisa for her courage to complete this mission in memory of her son. I am very sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

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  3. Michelle

    Reading this really means a lot to so many around the world, including myself and my son! Thankful for him beyond words, and our family who supports us, protecting us from the outside world of bullies. I hope the monies are raised and the journey can begin… Forever with a perspective of what matters most 🙂

  4. Scott S. Cooper

    Bullying has no place in a Civilized Society!Bullies are just insecure people who try to use Domination as a compensation for their own sense of inadequacy!I feel sad that people are so out of touch with their own Mind&Heart!It takes introspective self-examination to realize you’ve the same Love&Compassion to offer the World as anyone else&that should be your mission in Life!To always meet Hate,Anger&Fear with Love,Compassion & Empathy!Thank you Nisha for your incredible Courage&Compassion!

  5. Nolan Naidoo

    Bullying is something that needs constant attention. Nobody should turn a blind eye on such a matter. The more openly it is spoken about, the easier it becomes to tackle the problem. Brilliant cause and I wish them all the luck to not only take it across USA but to cause ripples around the world!!!

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